9/11 Documents and Resources

Over the course of around five years now I have accumulated a rather large collection of 9/11 related materials. Unfortunately, finding a place to maintain them online became a hassle. I had a number of them maintained at Mega Uploads until the federal government shut that site down. So below are links to the repositories which remain online.

Also, Erik Larson maintains a huge collection of documents online for those interested at the 911 Document Archive on Scribd.


My complete file collection is available as a single torrent download. Download the torrent

A huge collection of other files are also available for download via torrent.

Army Center for Military History Interviews

NEIT 018 – Describes searching for body parts, airplane fragments and removing debris from the Pentagon, 17-24 September.

NEIT 032 – Saw the plane before it crashed into the Pentagon. Describes his platoon’s duties of guarding the interior hallways of the Pentagon and removing debris, including airplane parts, from the building.

NEIT 049 – The communications chief of the HQ platoon, SGT (redacted) describes the events of 11 September and the actions of his company at the Pentagon, where he and others spent 16-hour days examining debris in the north parking lot.

NEIT 064 – SPC [redacted] saw the plane that crashed into the Pentagon. Observations about crash site, rescue and recovery effort

NEIT 067 – SPC [redacted] removed debris and plane parts from the Pentagon beginning on 13 September. Notified FBI of finds.

NEIT 112 – SGT [redacted] MDW Rescue Engineers. Good articulate account of incident.

NEIT 120 – SSG [redacted] MDW Engineers. Was among the very first Army Soldiers into the Pentagon for search and rescue efforts.

NEIT 123 – SGT [redacted] gives physical description of Pentagon attack site and the search and rescue.

NEIT 152 – SSG [redacted] Duty NCO for FT McNair MP’s at time of attack. Two of his soldiers witnessed plane hit Pentagon.

NEIT 158 – SPC [redacted] saw the plane go toward the Pentagon and then smoke rise up. Assisted with first aid.

NEIT 209 – Mark Skipper, fireman at Pentagon helipad at the time of the attack. Saw the plane and suffered burns.

NEIT 214 – April Gallop, brought her child to work. Escaped with help of others through double doors knocked down by blast.

NEIT 299 – Sean Boger working in helipad tower. Saw plane approach and crash into building.

NEIT 405 – While exiting the Pentagon into the South parking area observed plane’s final approach.

NEIT 489 – Helped with rescue efforts. Describes debris outside C-ring ‘punch-out’ hole.

NEIT 501 – Army CPT, standing about 100 yards from where the plane impacted.

NEIT 515 – Crystal City office worker watched an American Airlines plane fly into the Pentagon.

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